全米ベンチャーキャピタル協会NVCA(National Venture Capital Association)から2008年第2四半期のVC投資の動向が発表された。
Seed/Early stage investing fell slightly in the second quarter to $1.6 billion into 351 deals but remained relatively even with the first quarter of 2008 when venture capitalists invested $1.7 billion into 356 deals. Seed/Early stage deals accounted for 35 percent of total deal volume in the second quarter, on par with the prior quarter.
The average Seed deal in the second quarter was $3.8 million, up from $3.4 million in the first quarter; the average Early stage deal was $5.0 million in Q2, down from $5.4 million in the prior quarter.
The dollar value of first-time deals (companies receiving venture capital for the first time) declined 12 percent with $1.6 billion going into 301 companies.
The decline represents a 5 percent drop in deals from the first quarter of 2008 when $1.8 billion went into 316 first-time deals.
First-time financings accounted for 21 percent of all dollars and 30 percent of all deals in the second quarter, compared to 24 percent of all dollars and 32 percent of all deals in the first quarter.
In the second quarter of 2008, U.S.-based venture capitalists invested $583 million into 47 deals in China, nearly doubling investment from the first quarter when $296 million went into 34 deals.
Investments into India by U.S. venture capitalists also jumped, rising
27 percent to $473 million going into 40 deals, compared to the $373.3 million going into 40 deals in the first quarter.